Not for the first time we’re taking on a new challenge, but it the first time we’re implementing Augmented Reality (AR) application for one of our clients – Samsung Electronics Poland. It is available on a website specially created for that purpose. Internet users can download the application onto their hard drives and then print out a marker that is essential for the application to function properly. The marker is also available on the website.
How does it work? Internet users have to download the AR application on to their computers and print the marker on a piece of paper. The marker induces the effect of Augmented Reality. Then, they have to place the piece of paper with the marker in front of the camera that works with a computer. After doing so, a virtual TV appears on the piece of paper visible on the screen.It will seem like the virtual projections is actually real. It is because the background for the projection is the view from user’s camera and his moves (and the moves of the piece of paper) are transferred onto the Samsung 3D LED TV.
The whole idea for the Augmented Reality project for Samsung Electronics Poland was our idea including the microsite and the video presenting the application. The agency also prepared a campaign advertising the application.
The campaign includes graphic advertisements on entertainment sites, blogs (dedicated to technology, marketing, innovations) social networking sites (social media marketing) and creations of banners and mailings.
Samsung is the first in the whole world to introduce a 3D LED TV. It is a revolutionary product, thus, it needs a customized and innovatory advertising actions. The project prepared by Biuro Podróży Reklamy fits perfectly into the objectives of our strategy for the 3D LED TVs
– said Michał Grzeliński, CE Marketing Manager at Samsung Electronics Polska.
The AR project is a part of Samsung’s campaign promoting 3D LED TVs among potential clients. The campaign is under the slogan: ‘The world’s first 3D TV. A new dimension in TV. Join in. Experience more.’
Advertising actions include TV commercials (15-, 30- second spots), press and the Internet.