PortfolioPortfolio / SUNDAY POLSKA: Corporate and sales website for B2B | B2C clients

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Biuro Podróży Reklamy (BPR) designed a new corporate and sales website for clients from the B2B | B2C segment for Sunday Polska, a market leader in photovoltaic (PV) installations, offering comprehensive services for individual customers and companies ranging from free assessment, through assistance in obtaining financing and discounts, to professional installation, connecting to the power grid and after-sales care.

BPR conducted market research, presented solutions, developed the concept of the site, created graphic designs for the site, software and conducted a three-stage implementation.

Stage I

  • ➛ website concept development
  • ➛ graphic designs for the main website and 16 subpages
  • ➛ CMS WordPress implementation, configuring and setting up the programmed module configuration
  • ➛ beta version and sub-site development
  • ➛ populating website with content provided by the Client
  • ➛ API integration with external platforms
  • ➛ installing the website on a server specified by the Client
  • ➛ development of instructions for use of the CMS modules

Stage II

  • ➛ graphic design of eight consecutive subpages
  • ➛ software subpage implementation of the designed subpages to CMS WordPress
  • ➛ filling the subpages with content provided by the client
  • ➛ implementing the subpages on the server indicated by the Employer

Stage III

  • ➛ launching a chat room with a consultant
  • ➛ performing a market analysis and presenting solutions
  • ➛ developing a chat algorithm and creating requests

Link to website: SundayPolska.pl

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