PortfolioPortfolio / EWORK GROUP: Wielkie Badanie Branży IT na B2B

  • branding campaign, competition, Digital campaign, Employer branding, facebook, HR, internet, it, lindkedin, prizes, research, social, strategia, strategy, test, www

Swedish brand Ework Group (consulting agency) entrusted us with creating a branding campaign with pro-sale approach. The goal was building brand recognition and gaining knowledge about a target group of Polish self-employed IT specialists. The idea was to invite the target group to take part in our original research called „Wielkie Badanie Branży IT na B2B” (“Great Industry Research: IT on B2B”). The research was aimed at gaining knowledge about work comfort in such categories as finances, competence development, working time and collaboration. Therefore, we asked IT specialists: „would you like to shape your work comfort?”.

Landing page: badanieb2b.biuropodrozyreklamy.com

The main incentive for interaction with the target group was the survey, which was prepared and executed on a dedicated landing page badanieb2b.biuropodrozyreklamy.com. The goal was determining what are recent industry trends, what is the industry condition from freelancers’ perspective, what are their needs and what should be changed, and eventually, how this industry will transform in the future. After filling the questionnaire, a participant could immediately check how his or her comfort compares to others. Every participant could also take part in a competition for the best slogan promoting B2B.

The results of our research were used in content creation, marketing communication and for internal client’s communication.

Article with the results: https://antyweb.pl/jaka-jest-srednia-stawka-wynagrodzenia-za-godzine-w-branzy-it-na-b2b/




As part of employer branding activities, Swedish brand Ework Group decided to build their communication on benefits related to Scandinavian comfort.

Scandinavian comfort is a philosophy and a lifestyle.
Scandinavian comfort means Scandinavian minimalism.
Scandinavian lifestyle’s quintessence is hygge.
Scandinavian minimalism – maximum responsiveness.


As part of the campaign, we were responsible for creating the idea and strategy for communication, creation production, media strategy, aquisition and execution. Four-month campaign (October-January) included emission in: Google Ads, Search Engine Marketing, Facebook Ads and LinkedIn. The activities were supported by conent marketing, ePR and media patronages.

The final outcome of the campaign was: 667 research participants, 14 150 286 views in GDN, 1 109 330 views in social media, 23 845 website sessions and 25 ePR publications.

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