NewsNews / Agencja Biuro Podroży Reklamy has a new client – Sunday Polska

  • design, Graphics, motorization, www

Sunday Polska, one of the leaders in the market of photovoltaic installations, has joined the group of clients of the Agencja Biuro Podróży Reklamy. The main task for the agency will be the preparation of a new website Sunday Polska.

Agencja Biuro Podróży Reklamy was selected in the tender. The task of the agency will be to prepare and implement the new website of the company Sunday Poland. These actions will be carried out in three stages, scheduled until July this year.
Agencja Biuro Podróży Reklamy corresponds for market analysis and presentation of solutions, development of the website structure, development of the website concept and creation of graphic designs of the website.

The project is managed by Lidia Kłosowska, director of marketing, communication and sales support, and Marek Izdebski, web app technology manager, on the agency side.
– The Polish photovoltaics market has been growing very dynamically for several years, the year 2021 promises to be a record year again, and the internet channel is the main and most important way for us to communicate with potential customers. Hence, the decision to increase the digital budget this year, including to create a new business page. We chose Agencja Biuro Podroży Reklamy for the project, because the proposal of this agency best responded to our brief, was in our opinion the most “in point” – says Lidia Kłosowska, director of marketing communication and sales support at Sunday Polska.

Sunday Polska is active in digital, and Performance Labs is responsible for budget support in this channel.

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