PortfolioPortfolio / TVP ABC: graphic layout of the application for the youngest viewers

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As part of cooperation with television TVP ABC, we have created a graphic layout of the application for children. The scope of works covered the preparation of a concept that would perfectly fit the requirements in all aspects and create the connection between the fairy-tale world of heroes appearing in TVP ABC with the concept of the magic tree of fun.

The application layout has been prepared in such a way as to enable users to use all the resources of TVP ABC.Every child will be able to use the application to watch their favourite cartoons, programmes, play their favourite educational games or read or listen to their favourite stories. The magic tree of fun becomes a tree of sleep helping when the time for watching a bed-time story comes. Directly at the registration, the application allows to adjust the content appropriate for the age of child. Additionally, it allows parents to introduce time restrictions or block content.

The graphic layout of the application has been adjusted to children, which will make it easy in use even for the youngest users.



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