We will be responsible for carrying out all the actions in the area of digital. Our actions will include creating new website for IAB Poland, creating and developing a blog for the interactive sector, handling all of IAB Poland’s websites (www.iabpolska.pl, www.iablko.pl,www.mixx-awards.pl, www.forumiab.pl, www.iabcreativeshowcase.pl, www.akademiaecommerce.pl, www.wszystkoociasteczkach.pl, www.komentujnieobrazaj.pl, www.ogladaj-legalne.pl) and support in online markting.
– IAB Poland is in the process of evolutionary changes, which are intended more effectively represent the interests of the Internet industry and the continuous improvement of the image of the organization. Visible elements of these changes, among others, include new management, relocation of our headquarters to Warsaw city center (which is more convenient for our guests), spacious (at approximately 80 people) and modern conference room, where we can finally organize a series of events for our members. Our most recent plans include a number of consecutive moves and one of the most important is to facilitate communication with our members. New IAB Poland website is a natural response to such needs. The new site is much better and more transparent presentation of content, easy access from various devices (smartphones, tablets) by using the idea of responsiveness, extensive community features and a lot more multimedia. Welcome to our new service from New Year
– said Włodzimierz Schmidt, CEO of IAB Poland.
Interactive Advertising Bureau is a global organization dedicated to the Internet industry. It operates on the Polish market since 2000. Since 2007, it transformed to Association of Internet Industry IAB Poland. Among the members of the association are the largest Internet portals, media houses, advertising networks and interactive agencies. One of the major tasks of the association is a broadly defined education market in the methods of using the Internet. IAB aims to inform about its advertising potential, show effective solutions to create and present quality standards, educate customers what to expect from this medium and from the Internet services market and what requirements should they make for the agencies that provide those services.