NewsNews / Little Works of Art – children helped to make a dream come true

  • art, children

St. Majewski company, the producer of Bambino crayons, together with Marek Kamiński’s Foundation organised an action titled ‘Little Works of Art’. This was a CSR project whose aim was to make it possible for Patrycja’s Big Journey to come true – Patrycja is a young girl who suffers from an incurable brain tumour.

The action started with a competition titled ‘Little Works of Art’. Using the competition application on ‘Bambino Competition’ profile on Facebook, children could upload photos of their drawings which they would like to donate for a charity auction for Patrycja, a patient of Marek Kamiński’s Foundation. 11 works, chosen from all drawings that were submitted, were put in golden frames and then put on the charity fundraising platform At the auction the organisers managed to raise 1 918 PLN and the whole sum was transferred to make Patrycja’s dream come true. The patronage over the action was taken by Marek Kamiński’s Foundation, portals MM Warszawa and and the magazine Kumpel.

The campaign was supported by non-standard marketing actions such as an unusual hold-up at a museum, when on 8th July 2014 a man entered the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw and put a mysterious picture on the wall together with the museum plate. It turned out that the author of the work was a child and the action was an unusual invitation to take part in ‘Little Works of Art’ charity auctions.

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