NewsNews / Effectiveness indicators in social media

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IAB’s Social Media Working Group and WoMM have published a document „Wskaźniki efektywnościowe w social media” (meaning Effectiveness indicators in social media) which points out the indicators that a marketer should look out for when preparing a social media campaign. Main purpose of the document is to facilitate marketers’ work at both stages, when planning a campaign as well as when assessing its effects in social media. Coherent selection of indicators enables marketers to compare actions of other brands.

    This document is divided into few parts:

  • Answers to difficult questions that every marketer who is planning a campaign in social media is looking for
  • List of effective indicators in social media, which were divided to range and commitment
  • Selection os case studies – examples of campaigns that demonstrate the indicators mentioned in this document

It is worth mentioning that our case study is the first one in the whole collection. The case study is about our Facebook campaign for Toshiba. The campaign was aiming to promote the boxing gala Klitschko – Adamek.

Social media are one of the most dynamically evolving communication channels. The document “Wskaźniki efektywnościowe w social media” is another material from IAB that aims to help marketers who are interested in working within social media

– said Patrycja Sass-Staniszewska, office manager at IAB Polska.

The document is available on

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