Sztuka dekoracji (meaning The Art of Decoration) is another magazine published by OBI and, this time, it is dedicated to floors. We are in the process of implementing the online version of this magazine. Later on, we will be carrying out an online advertising campaign promoting this e-magazine. The e-magazine ‘Sztuka Dekoracji’ is available on the website. It has been developed on the model of the paper version of the magazine, which was published in autumn last year. The magazine is distributed alongside the design magazines and magazines for women, as well as in every OBI store, where clients can buy it for only 1 PLN. Total income from the sales will be transferred to the Children’s Fantasies Fulfilled foundation.
The magazine is in a form of a guide with experts’ opinions on how to arrange and furnish your apartment and ‘in the background’ presentation of OBI’s range of products. Both, paper magazine and e-magazine, are dedicated to floors, doors, decorative stones and fireplaces. Direct Publishing Group is responsible for the substantive content.We have also developed and prepared na online advertising campaign promoting the e-magazine ‘Sztuka dekoracji’ which is using display adverts. It will last until 10.10.2010 and will be advertised on services targeted at women and dedicated to interior design. At the same time, we will implement the emission of sponsored links.