NewsNews / Online happening for Invest-Bank

  • e-commerce, finance

We have created an online happening for students. The website so far had over 260.000 unique users generating almost 4.000.000 views. The action will end on the 7.01.2009. Among the enthusiasts of a students’ humor arose an idea to develop an interactive website which would enable users to create graphic jokes.

Thanks to all the enthusiasm and support of the sponsor of the action we have created the website There are 10 pictures on the website presenting typical scenes from the student life: entry exam, test, getting the transcript of their grades, visit in the dean’s office, studying, party and other.

Users are to fill in the dialog boxes in our comic stories with funny dialogs. By doing so, the characters in the stories are coming alive. The website is becoming very popular and many of the dialogs are really funny! There is an award for the author of the funniest dialog – 10 000 PLN! Authors of the best 9 dialogs will win mp3 players Creative Zen Mozaic 2GB. But most importantly, Internet users themselves vote for the best dialogs online.

Student online services are partners of the happening.

The contest started on the 3.11.2008 and will end on the 7.01.2009.

Take a look at the website

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