NewsNews / Biuro Podróży Reklamy to launch a new site and online catalogue for Stomil Bydgoszcz

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Biuro Podróży Reklamy has won a tender organised by Stomil Bydgoszcz JSC to prepare and launch a new website along with an online catalogue presenting products offered by the company.

The project will last from mid-July to the end of August 2018. The new site is aimed at refreshing the company’s image as well as offering customers a more comprehensive contact with the company and its products. The site, which will be launched at the beginning of September, will be specially designed to make it even easier for customers to access the information, services and  products offered by Stomil Bydgoszcz. All UI/UX work as well as development and implementation facilities are carried out within the structure of BPR advertising agency.

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