NewsNews / Antalis Design Awards About to Start

  • awards, design, konkurs

This information should be interesting for graphics, art. directors, interior designers and architects as well as students of art. universities. Antalis Design Awards is about to start. Statues and financial prizes are at stake. The jury consists of authorities in the industry.

On 26th June 2017 Antalis Design Awards 2017 started in two different categories – Art. Category Competition and Design Category Competition. The participants taking part in the „Art” category must create a cover for an A5 format creative notebook. The task in the „Design” category focuses on a wallpaper design of 4,000 mm x 3,000 mm for a modern start-up office.

What are the conditions to be met? Above all, you must have full copyrights to the work sent for the contest and meet the requirements of the technical specification available on the page and subpage of the application form. The working method is not specified – you may use different form of art. activity: photos, pictures or text. Imagination is the only limit.

The works sent for the contest will be assessed by professionals – authorities on art. design, interior design and broadly understood art. The jury consists of: Dawid Korzekwa – graphic designer specializing in press design, book design, visual identification and poster creation, Jarosław Bujny –graduate of Graphic Design Faculty of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk (currently a PhD student of this academy), Andrzej Pągowski – graphic artist, the author of over 1, 300 phenomenal posters in Poland and abroad, Natalia Nguyen – urban architect, interior designer, furniture and accessories designer who appreciates both beauty and functionality and Xavier Jouvet – Marketing and Purchasing Director of Antalis International.

Why is it worth taking part in Antalis contest? The total value of the prizes at stake is PLN 13, 000. The contest finale will take place during an event in Warsaw on 28th September 2017, when the winners will be awarded financial prizes and statues.

The works must be submitted between 26th June and 20th August 2017 through the forms available at

The sponsor of Antalis Design Awards include: STGU, Brief, ASP Katowice, Visual Communication, Packaging Polska and Świat Druku.

Antalis ( is the leader of distribution of materials for visual communication: papers for printing industry and offices, packaging materials and plastics products.

Antalis Design Awards project is executed by Biuro Podróży Reklamy.

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